OceanWP v4.0 loses Google Fonts

Check this! All my OceanWP websites lost their default font and fell back to something Roman, so everything looked ugly! Basically all websites using OceanWP did no longer load their Google fonts after the update to version 4.0.

Solution: I had to manually enable the fonts again! How?
Go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Typography > Google Font Settings and enable Google Fonts – hit “publish” and done!

Looks like someone at OceanWP forgot to check backwards compatibility…

Have a nice day!

OceanWP and SVG images

Ever tried to enable the upload of SVG images in WordPress, and kept getting the error:
“Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.” ?

So, you tried the plugins Safe-SVG, disabled Wordfence, disabled Solid Security, added a snippet with WPCode, changed your wp-config.php file, and maybe some other options you found on the Interweb?
Well, if you are using the OceanWP theme like I do, then nothing will work, except when you go to your OceanWP panel, select the ‘Integration’ tab on the left, slap your forehead with a flat stretched-out hand, and finally slide the switch on that page, all just to enable the SVG files support.

Next, of course, remove all those plugins, code snippets and other things you have added to your WordPress installation and continue with your life.

Have a nice day!

Zodiac Signs / Sterrenbeelden

Looks like nobody knows what the actual dates should be?

♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19
♉ Taurus (Bull/Stier): April 20–May 20
♊ Gemini (Twins/Tweelingen): May 21–June 21
♋ Cancer (Crab/Kreeft): June 22–July 22
♌ Leo (Lion/Leeuw): July 23–August 22
♍ Virgo (Virgin/Maagd): August 23–September 22
♎ Libra (Balance/Weegschaal): September 23–October 23
♏ Scorpius (Scorpion/Schorpioen): October 24–November 21
♐ Sagittarius (Archer/Boogschutter): November 22–December 21
♑ Capricornus (Goat/Steenbok): December 22–January 19
♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer/Waterman): January 20–February 18
♓ Pisces (Fish/Vissen): February 19–March 20

Continue reading Zodiac Signs / Sterrenbeelden