Website suddenly no longer showing anything?
Might be a DNS cache problem!

How to clear the DNS cache on your computer

This article describes how to clear the DNS cache on your computer.

Many computer operating systems use caching to store DNS lookup results. Normally this is not a problem, and accelerates network performance. However, when you are developing a web site or configuring domain settings, your computer’s DNS cache can get in the way, preventing you from accessing the correct site.

To clear the DNS cache, follow the appropriate procedure below for your computer’s operating system or web browser.



Sometimes when using Google Chrome, you get an error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN instead of the website. Nothing seems wrong with the internet connection, the website might even work in other browsers. Below are two methods that might help you to get rid of this error. Follow the below mentioned steps and you will be good to go:  Continue reading Fixing DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Error

Silverlight won’t work on Chrome

browsersSince April 15, Chrome version 42, the plugins Java, Silverlight and others are blocked by default.

Google made a major change in regards to how plugins are handled by the browser. They made the decision to phase out so-called NPAPI plugins in the Chrome browser and Chromium this year. NPAPI plugins use an old plugin API from the Netscape days. Java, Silverlight and other popular technologies use this API to integrate into browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. Chrome supports a new API, called PPAPI, which is not affected by this move at all. Adobe Flash uses the new API in Chrome for example. Silverlight however, has still not been updated and needs some steps to get this to work again.

This is what you do to override the blocking of plugins in Chrome:  Continue reading Silverlight won’t work on Chrome