KB5043145 update breaks USB

(updated 12/10/2024 see at bottom of article)

At least on two of my computers, it completely disabled the USB ports, leaving me without mouse, keyboard, bluetooth and any way of giving any input to the computer to do anything.
Luckily I had Google Remote Desktop installed previously so I could take over the screen and fix the issue.

Not everyone, but others do have the same issue, see:
I also posted my issue here:

So what happened:

Continue reading KB5043145 update breaks USB

Access Windows Share without a password

Older laptop, simple user to logon without any password; Simply click to login and use the computer.

Now, if you want to access a share on that computer, using that same user, and gave the correct rights to be able to access it, it will not work… This was my solution from 2011, which still worked today!
Start gpedit.msc and find and disable this setting:

Happy sharing!
Have a nice day…

Robocopy Quirks

Old-fashioned, but I still use batchfiles to automate tasks on my computer. One of them is a backup mirroring script, using the robocopy command. Recently I wanted to add a folder from C:\Program Files\appname\ to the backup, so I added the following line to the backup-script:

Robocopy "C:\Program Files\appname\" "\\SERVER\Backup\LAPTOP\appname\" /MIR /XJD /R:8 /W:15 /MT:32 /BYTES /V /NP /LOG:log-LAPTOP-appname.log

However this did not work, what’s the problem? Who knows… but the solution is to add a space before the closing end-quote. So just use:

Robocopy "C:\Program Files\appname\ " "\\SERVER\Backup\LAPTOP\appname\ " /MIR /XJD /R:8 /W:15 /MT:32 /BYTES /V /NP /LOG:log-LAPTOP-appname.log

On another note, check this, and use (also note the * and not *.* !!!):

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -r -up0q3r2x2y2z1w2 -mx=0 -password Z:\somefile.zip "C:\Somefolder\*"

That’s all folks!
Have a nice day…

Forget NAS login

Connected to a NAS, like Synology SMB Service, and clicked ‘remember my credentials’? Sure, that makes it easy whenever you want to go back to that same shared folder, but now what happens if you want to connect using a different user, with different rights to the share?
You would have to remove the exisiting connection first, and make sure Windows 11 forgets how to connect to that Server/NAS/Share. So what do you do?

  1. In your Windows Start menu, search for “Credential Manager”.
  2. In the “Windows Credentials” section, remove any stored credentials referencing the share, network drives or similar:
  3. Open the details with the ‘arrow down’ and click “Remove”.
  4. Repeat these steps until you remove all of the credentials associated with the NAS.

Now you can reconnect to your share and use the correct login.
Have a nice day!

Pin document to taskbar in Windows 11

Same problem as this one?
” under Windows 10 I could drag & drop any file (e.g. docx or xlsx) to the Word/Excel icon, which is pinned on my taskbar. When righ-clicking on the Excel icon, I could see my pinned Excel files. Same with Word: I saw all my pinned documents. Windows 11 doesn’t let me drag & drop files to the pinned Microsoft App in the taskbar anymore. Please note, it is not about pinning the Excel app to my taskbar or pinning a document as an app to the taskbar: it is about pinning a DOCUMENT to the pinned Mircosoft app. “

The answer:

Continue reading Pin document to taskbar in Windows 11