Disable These Files Might Be Harmful to Your Computer Warning

source: https://winaero.com/blog/disable-these-files-might-be-harmful-to-your-computer-warning/

Disable These Files Might Be Harmful to Your Computer Warning in Windows 10

If you connect a network share, i.e. mount a network drive by IP address of the server, Windows 10 displays a warning message These Files Might Be Harmful to Your Computer when you are opening files stored there. Here’s how to get rid of it.

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MySQL user not connecting

Windows Server 2016, IIS Website, Setup a MySQL server/database, setup a WordPress website, quickly connect with root and root-password. Everything works fine!

Now you want things more secured, so you add a MySQL user with a password and rights to only the wordpress database. Change wp-config.php with the new login and you get a “Error Establishing a Database Connection” when accessing the WordPress website or admin.

Change back to root and the problem is solved. How to fix this?

Continue reading MySQL user not connecting

SEO tips from the guru

Again, found and pasted here; to keep for myself and later use.
Article from March 2018, but still valid I think. Original link: https://www.seoguru.nl/handleiding-seo/seo-tips/ = the last chapter of https://www.seoguru.nl/handleiding-seo/

SEO tips: een volledig en actueel overzicht

Tot slot van deze handleiding geef ik hier een samenvatting in de vorm van SEO tips. Ze zijn hieronder zoveel mogelijk uitgesorteerd naar het stadium van de ontwikkeling van de website. De lijst wordt regelmatig bijgehouden. Indien u zaken ziet die naar uw mening anders moeten of indien u tips mist, dan hoor ik dat graag. Dank!  

Continue reading SEO tips from the guru

PHP mail on IIS Windows 2016 Server


Configure SMTP E-mail here to send using an external mailserver will work for ASP scripts – Deliver to SMTP server with credentials

Configure the SMTP server here to make the PHP mail-function work.
Access-Connection – Grant only your own server IP and
Access-Relay – Grant only your own server IP and
Delivery-outbound security – Basic Auth login details TLS
Delivery-Advanced – Smart Host smtp server name

smtp_port = 25

configure SMTPSVC to start automatic, so you won’t go crazy after your next reboot…