Phonegap Build died! Moving on to Cordova CLI…

Read the full article here.

And don’t forget to read the official documentation as well.


With PhoneGap Build shutting down, many developers are now left trying to find options to continue building their Cordova-based applications. While several new services like Ionic’s Appflow and Monaca Cloud have entered the market as replacements. Their cost might be too much for the independent developer. One of the things that attracted many to use PhoneGap Build was it was included as part of your Creative Cloud subscription. There was even a free version for open-source projects. For those developers who are either resource constrained or want complete control over their build system, they should migrate to using the Cordova CLI and building locally.

There are four general steps we need to take to accomplish this:

  1. Install the Cordova CLI
  2. Install the native build environments
  3. Migrate our existing PhoneGap Build App to use Cordova
  4. Build and Test!
Continue reading Phonegap Build died! Moving on to Cordova CLI…

Phonegap Build Android Splashscreen

Here we go again …
CLI-8.1.1 is new, new is better, ehm, except that the splashscreen stopped showing on Android. Stepping back to cli-7.1.0 solves this problem, but that is not really solving it.

<!-- Platforms to compile -->
    <gap:platform name="ios" />
    <gap:platform name="android" />

<!-- Define a specific version of PhoneGap to build -->
<platform name="android">
       <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-7.1.0" />
<platform name="ios">
        <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-8.1.1" />

Of course you search for solutions and may find out about density and qualifier, but neither keyword works. Also this link does not help by adding:

< platform name="android">
< preference name="SplashScreen" value="splash" />
< /platform>

the only “solution” so far is…

<platform name="android">
   <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-7.1.0" />
