Windows 10 Home Add local users disabled?

W10disketteIf you cannot add users to Windows 10, or if ‘Add someone else to this PC’ link in Settings app is not working, then this article will help you to fix that.

This article address a problem in which administrators can’t add new users to Windows. For adding new users or other family members to the system, you’ve to go Settings app > Accounts > Family and other users and then click Add someone else to this PC link. However, we’ve found that many administrators got this link not working. According to them, when they click the link, nothing happens. It’s disabled.

The cause behind this problem may be miscellaneous, depending upon your system usage and availability of crucial factors such as network, dependency services etc. If you’re also victim of this issue, you can try out the ways mentioned below to overcome this.

FIX : Cannot Add Users To Windows 10 – Using NETPLWIZ

1. Press Windows Key + R and put netplwiz in Run dialog box. Click OK or hit Enter key.

2. In the User Accounts window so appeared, click Add button.

3. Then in next screen, type the Microsoft account email address of the person – whom you want to add. The account created by this way will be Microsoft account. So if you want to add new user with Local account, click Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) link.

4. In the next screen, click Local account. If your decision is changed after reading benefits of Microsoft account, you can opt for Microsoft account.

5. Finally, on the next screen as per what you’ve chosen above, you can add the user to the machine by providing required details.

Note by My Brain: to add another user, close the netplwiz completely and start again from 1.

SOURCE: here

VB.Net create mdb with a password

f_3dh_partyWhen developing an application with visual basic, you may want to store data. So you create a database during runtime, for example with the following piece of code, as many websites show on various forums:

Dim strMDBPath As String = "C:\SomePath\MyTestDB.mdb"
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog()
 cat.Create(Convert.ToString("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=") & strMDBPath)
 cat = Nothing

Next you wish to protect your data, so only your application can open the database. You google again, and find the following solution:

Dim cn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strMDBPath & ";Mode=Share Deny Read|Share Deny Write;"
Dim cmdpw As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand
cmdpw.Connection = cn

Unfortunately, now you are stuck with an error you can not solve:
You attempted to open a database that is already opened by user ‘Admin’ on machine ‘YOURPCNAME’. Try again when the database is available.
Creating the database seems to keep the connection open and you cannot close it to execute the password change on an exclusive connection.

The answer and solution is simple: Set the password in the connection string in the first piece of code when creating the database! The attempt to ALTER DATABASE PASSWORD is no longer needed and you can forget about that…

Dim strMDBPath As String = "C:\SomePath\MyTestDB.mdb"
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog()
cat.Create(Convert.ToString("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MYNEWPASSWORD;Data Source=") & strMDBPath)
cat = Nothing

Enjoy this free advice from My Brain!

USB not connecting with your smartphone?

W10disketteWhen I connect my phone (Galaxy s5 mini, usb mode set to ‘Camera PTP’) to my Windows 10 laptop, the usb port constantly disconnects and reconnects rapidly and not a lot is happening. I can’t access the phone in device manager since it constantly refreshes.

You might think  it’s a driver problem, or a problem with the cable…. But no! Try this solution:
1. Go to your Windows ‘Power Options’
2. Click ‘Change plan setting’ on your chosen plan.
3. Click ‘Change advanced power setting’ on your chosen plan.
4. Find ‘USB settings’ and open.
5. Find ‘USB selective suspend setting’ and change it to disabled.
Now apply and save and, tadaa…

This is working for me, besides having tried three different cables to find one that does more than just charging… (Note: when you use Samsung’s Kies software, use the Media Player usb mode MTP)
I hope this helps when you have a similar problem.