Saving Energy

We all have to save some. It starts with the realisation what you are actually using energy for… continue to read some facts/indications in Dutch:

1 standaard kubieke meter gas (m3(n)) heeft een bovenwaarde van 35,17 MJ
1 kWh electriciteit heeft een energie inhoud van 3,6 MJ.

1 m3(n) gas komt overeen met 35,17 MJ/3,6 MJ = 9,769 kWh electriciteit

Met 1 kWh kunt u ongeveer…
20 maaltijden in de magnetron opwarmen,
4 avonden tv kijken,
30 uur uw koelkast laten koelen en vriezen,
15 cd’s luisteren.

Met 1 kubieke meter gas kunt u ongeveer…
1 uur uw huis warm stoken in de winter,
3 keer douchen – of 5 keer met een spaardouche,
1 keer in bad,
6 hele maaltijden koken,
50 keer handenwassen.

So how to save some energy?
Wear something warm and read a book by candlelight!

Windows 10 Intel ATOM and GMA 500 drivers

After hours of trying different graphic drivers for an old Acer Aspire One 751h (Atom Z520 1.33/2gb/250gb), where the last version provided on Acer support site ( is bugged, and newer ones like that claims to support Z500 processor Series but isn’t even recognized on win10 as a valid driver to Intel GMA500 adapter, I found a driver version that works without bugs (so far): Thank you: reddit.

So, to anyone trying to install this specific graphic card driver, don’t waste time trying to install the ‘latest’ driver/software, just go with the latest driver release FOR the graphic card. You can find a copy here.
When searching Intel you get nothing, thanks!
When installing, you will have to set the file properties of setup.exe to compatibility mode first so it thinks it’s running on Windows 7.

Honestly, Windows 10 works on an old laptop like this, but is slow as $h*7! I’m going back to Windows 7 on this one, to keep the machine useable.

Disk clone in 2020

Imagine a laptop with a doubtful drive, slow response, long waittimes, just something is wrong. You have another spare drive, plus a USB encasing to connect this other drive to your laptop. So all you want to do is swap them out and copy the complete Windows 10 OS from the original to the spare drive. How do you clone this? And since this is a personal thing, some free software would be best.

Continue reading Disk clone in 2020