Mailserver Settings NL

A listing of the mail server settings of most Dutch internet providers
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The IMAP mail protocol is preferred over POP mail nowadays. IMAP is a more recent protocol. When using IMAP, the contents or your email boxes will be synchronized and are therefore the same on all your devices and on your provider’s mail server. So if you delete a message, it is really gone everywhere.
Help me! I can’t send emails anymore! Tip for the outgoing mail server settings on mobile devices. Continue reading Mailserver Settings NL

Display all PHP Errors and Warnings

ctrl-ZVXWhen debugging PHP I find myself searching again and again for this little piece of code to display the PHP errors. So here it is for future reference…
If you wish to see all the PHP errors and warnings in your script, simply include the following bit of code:

ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘1’);

Now, continue to beat your head against the keyboard while you hunt down that missing semicolon or closing parenthesis. Need help, contact My Brain.