Old-fashioned, but I still use batchfiles to automate tasks on my computer. One of them is a backup mirroring script, using the robocopy command. Recently I wanted to add a folder from C:\Program Files\appname\ to the backup, so I added the following line to the backup-script:
Robocopy "C:\Program Files\appname\" "\\SERVER\Backup\LAPTOP\appname\" /MIR /XJD /R:8 /W:15 /MT:32 /BYTES /V /NP /LOG:log-LAPTOP-appname.log
However this did not work, what’s the problem? Who knows… but the solution is to add a space before the closing end-quote. So just use:
Robocopy "C:\Program Files\appname\ " "\\SERVER\Backup\LAPTOP\appname\ " /MIR /XJD /R:8 /W:15 /MT:32 /BYTES /V /NP /LOG:log-LAPTOP-appname.log
On another note, check this, and use (also note the * and not *.* !!!):
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -r -up0q3r2x2y2z1w2 -mx=0 -password Z:\somefile.zip "C:\Somefolder\*"
That’s all folks!
Have a nice day…