Photograpy Photowalk Themes

I like walking around with a group of people with camera’s. It is fun if you all shoot images around a common theme, so you can compare everyone’s unique vision in their photo’s later…

Here’s a list of idea’s:

  1. Abandoned Buildings
  2. Abstracts
  3. Amphibian
  4. Anger
  5. Arches
  6. Architecture
  7. Autumn
  8. Back Alleys
  9. Bad Weather
  10. Bald Heads
  11. Balloons
  12. Bare Feet
  13. Bark
  14. Barns
  15. Bees
  16. Bicycle Parts
  17. Bikes
  18. Birds
  19. Black and White
  20. Blimps
  21. Blue
  22. Bolts
  23. Bones
  24. Books
  25. Bottles
  26. Bridge
  27. Bridges
  28. Broken Glass
  29. Bronze
  30. Brown
  31. Bump
  32. Butterflies
  33. Butterflies / Bees
  34. Campsites
  35. Car Details
  36. Catching People Unaware
  37. Cats
  38. Celebrations
  39. Choice
  40. Church Windows
  41. Churches
  42. Circles
  43. City Hall
  44. City Skylines
  45. City Street Scenes
  46. Close-up
  47. Clouds
  48. Cold
  49. Colours
  50. Columns
  51. Computers
  52. Contrasts
  53. Covered Bridges
  54. Critters
  55. Culture
  56. Curves
  57. Custom Cars
  58. Dancers
  59. Decorations
  60. Demonic
  61. Demonstrations
  62. Devilish
  63. Digital
  64. Disappearing Professions
  65. Disappearing Technologies
  66. Dishes
  67. Documentary
  68. Dogs
  69. Dominating
  70. Doom and gloom
  71. Door Knobs
  72. Doors
  73. Dots / Dashes / Diagonals
  74. Drawers
  75. Duplicates
  76. Easter
  77. Eggs
  78. Elation
  79. Embrace
  80. Emergency Situations
  81. Enthusiasm / eager
  82. Environmental Trash
  83. Events
  84. Eye Glasses
  85. Eyes
  86. Farm Animals
  87. Feathers
  88. Feet
  89. Feisty
  90. Feline
  91. Femininity
  92. Fences
  93. Fetes & Festivals
  94. Fetish
  95. Fire
  96. Fire Engines
  97. Fireworks / Fire
  98. Fish
  99. Flags
  100. Flower Petals
  101. Flowers
  102. Food
  103. Forks
  104. Forms in Nature
  105. Fountains
  106. Framed
  107. Freeways
  108. Frozen
  109. Fruit
  110. Games
  111. Gardens
  112. Gates
  113. Gears
  114. Geriatric (older folks)
  115. Glamour
  116. Glass
  117. Gold
  118. Graceful
  119. Graffiti
  120. Green
  121. H Hands
  122. Halloween
  123. Hallways
  124. Handles
  125. Hands
  126. Happiness
  127. Harbours
  128. Harvest
  129. Hats
  130. Hidden
  131. History
  132. Holiday
  133. Horizon
  134. Horses
  135. Hot Rod Cars
  136. Hunger
  137. Ice
  138. Inclines
  139. Indian Ruins
  140. Indigenous Things Or People
  141. Industrial
  142. Insects
  143. Inspiration
  144. Iridescent
  145. Iron
  146. Isolated Objects
  147. Jails
  148. Jets
  149. Jewelry
  150. Jobs
  151. Joints
  152. Journalistic
  153. Joy
  154. Jugs
  155. Junk Yards
  156. Keys
  157. Kids
  158. Kin or Families
  159. Kite
  160. Kites
  161. Knives
  162. Landscapes
  163. Lazy
  164. Learning
  165. Leaves
  166. Legs
  167. Letters
  168. Light
  169. Lightning
  170. Lights
  171. Locks
  172. Machine Parts
  173. Macro
  174. Marine life
  175. Masculinity
  176. Masks
  177. Mass flowers
  178. Mirrors
  179. Money
  180. Monuments
  181. Mood
  182. Movie Theater Marquees
  183. Muse
  184. Mushrooms
  185. Neon Signs
  186. Night
  187. Night lights
  188. Nighttime
  189. Nonsense
  190. Noodles
  191. Numbers
  192. Nut
  193. Nuts
  194. Objects
  195. Odd Couples
  196. Old Everything
  197. Olympic
  198. Opposites
  199. Opulent
  200. Orange
  201. Pairs
  202. Paper Abstracts
  203. Parallel Lines
  204. Patterns
  205. Peacocks
  206. Peeling Paint
  207. People
  208. People At Work
  209. People Walking Dogs
  210. Peppers
  211. Perspective
  212. Pets
  213. Pictures in Pictures
  214. Piles of Things
  215. Pink / Purple
  216. Polished
  217. Porches
  218. Quad
  219. Quarters
  220. Queens
  221. Railroad Cars
  222. Railroad Tracks
  223. Raindrops
  224. Rainbows
  225. Red
  226. Red Barns
  227. Reenactments
  228. Reflection
  229. Reflections in Glass
  230. Reflections in Water
  231. Religious
  232. Roads-capes
  233. Rocks
  234. Round Things
  235. Rows of Things
  236. Rust
  237. Rustic
  238. Sand dunes
  239. Sand Patterns
  240. Sea Shells
  241. Seascapes
  242. Seasons
  243. Self
  244. Shadows
  245. Shoes
  246. Signs
  247. Silhouettes
  248. Skulls
  249. Sky
  250. Sleeping Animals
  251. Sleeping People
  252. Small Furry Animals
  253. Smiles
  254. Smoke Stacks
  255. Snow
  256. Soft Curves
  257. Sorrow
  258. Spanish Moss
  259. Speed
  260. Spoons
  261. Sports
  262. Spring
  263. Squirrel
  264. Stacks
  265. Stairs
  266. Statues
  267. Steam Railroads
  268. Still life
  269. Strange Signs
  270. String Instruments
  271. Structures
  272. Summer
  273. Sunrise
  274. Sunset
  275. Superstitions
  276. Sweets
  277. Swings
  278. Tattoos
  279. Teddy Bear / toy
  280. Textures
  281. The Local School
  282. The spot (X marks it, you know)
  283. Toads
  284. Tombstones
  285. Tools
  286. Tools of the Trade
  287. Transport
  288. Tree Knots
  289. Trees
  290. Ugly Everything
  291. Umbrella
  292. Umbrellas
  293. Ungulates (hoofed animals, pigs, goats, deer horses)
  294. Uniforms
  295. Urban
  296. Utensils
  297. Vacation
  298. Valves
  299. Vegetables
  300. Vices or Habits
  302. Vignettes
  303. Vines
  304. Visitors
  305. Watches
  306. Water
  307. Waterfalls
  308. Weather
  309. Weathered Wood
  310. Wet
  311. Wheels
  312. White
  313. Wide Angle Everything
  314. Wildlife
  315. Windows
  316. Winter
  317. Woods
  318. Xenon
  319. Xenophobia
  320. Xylophones
  321. Yachts
  322. Yellow
  323. Yo-yos
  324. Zebras
  325. Zig Zags
  326. Zipper
  327. Zombies!
  328. Zoos

How’s that for a list of things to shoot?!

So next is what to do

How to conduct a successful photo walk

Photo walks are a good way to hone your skills and get some terrific photographs in your area. Ant Pruitt shares his tips for getting the most from the experience.

When I began dabbling in the world of photography, one of my favorite photographers would always share his experiences with “photo walks.” At the time, I didn’t quite get the significance of a photo walk, but now I do. Not to get all zen on you TechRepublic readers, but a proper photo walk gives you the chance to be one with your trusty camera and absorb the energy around you. This energy can in turn be reflected in your photographs. I take my cameras with me everywhere I go, but there are some days I make plans to go shoot. Allow me to share what helps me get awesome photographs from a successful photo walk.

Deciding when to go and what your shot objectives should be
When do you go out to shoot? You can go out anytime you want in most cases, but it all depends upon your goals. Are you in the mood for landscape photography, or cityscape, or just some time out people watching to capture street photography? Knowing this will help you determine a time (and place) to go shoot.

With regard to landscape photography, I personally find the most captivating shots have vibrant colors or force the viewer to react in some way. For instance, rolling green hills in a meadow with white puffy clouds as they shade yellow dandelions below can make the viewer feel warm and fuzzy–you know, make them smile because of the peaceful scene you captured.

On the other hand, cityscape and street photography require you to consider the timing. Small towns may have more foot traffic during hours after breakfast, but before lunch time. I enjoy shooting street photography in larger cities, especially during rush hour. The facial expressions you see in the morning rush hour are different from those you see in the evening rush. Both allow you to capture a story to captivate your viewer.

Deciding what gear to take
Obviously, you can’t have a successful photo walk without at least one camera in your arsenal. If it’s just your smartphone, that’s totally okay. But if you’re like me and enjoy having a few more options, you’ll need to plan it out a little more. As a drone photographer, I know my drone won’t be used for street photography. Therefore, no need to pack it. And if you’re shooting with a mid to telephoto lens, you probably won’t get much use out of it if you’re in a beautiful cotton field. Knowing your objectives makes packing for the photo walk easier.

When it comes to carrying gear, you have a lot of choices–but unfortunately, they’re not all good choices. Be sure to choose a bag for your gear that will protect your items and be comfortable. You’re going to be on your photo walk for various amounts of time. You’ll need comfort while lugging your gear around.

One of my favorite inexpensive bag options comes from the Amazon Basics line. This camera backpack is under $30, but offers adequate protection of your gear as well as just enough space for a DSLR body, a couple of lenses, and other tools you’ll need, such as additional batteries. Speaking of batteries, definitely make sure you have at least two spares, even if they’re a generic brand battery that fits your camera. I’ve personally found that my generic spare batteries offer more mAH capacity than the stock batteries. Just check the likes of Amazon for your options.

While you’re out shooting
When you’re on your photo walk, take a look at your surroundings from a wide angle to a tight angle. From high above to low on the ground. Changing your point of view introduces captivating perspectives. The different angles can totally change the mood of a photograph. For example, taking a shot of a building a few blocks away says “This is a high rise building.” Walking closer to that same building to capture a view looking up its side says “This is a MASSIVE high rise building!” After you’ve snapped some shots of an object you approached, it’s a good idea to walk beyond the object, turn around and snap a few more shots. The perspective of the object will be completely different.

Be mindful of photographing people. On public grounds, you legally can do this. But today, social media, information security, and privacy breaches have made people uncomfortable when they see a camera in public. If someone has a problem with your taking their photo, just don’t do it. I don’t advise taking photographs of children in public, either. Children make for cute photos, but you have to respect the parents’ privacy, as well.

Take advantage of different shooting modes. Shoot some things in black and white. Shoot some long exposure photos. Find an awesome spot for time lapse footage. There’s nothing wrong with mixing it up on your photo walk.

The most important tip
The final tip goes beyond photography technique, like perfect framing and exposure. Your safety and the law matter the most. Do not try to capture photos in restricted areas. You could face legal ramifications. Be safe when you’re on your photo walks. Take friends along, if you can. Traveling in numbers is much safer than going at it alone. If you’re unable to do a group photo walk, be mindful of your surroundings.

I generally take my photo walks alone, unfortunately. But as I go out, I make sure to wear a bright colored shirt or hat so I’m highly visible. I don’t want any bystanders to think some “creepy black guy is out taking photos of people.” In my experience, when people see me and notice that I’m focusing on my craft, they allow me to work. In some instances, I’ve even engaged. Some people think it’s cool seeing a photographer at work, and they’ll come by and ask simple questions about the shoot and the craft. This is also a great opportunity to slide them your business card as a potential client.

The drawback of wearing a bright colored shirt or hat is that bad people notice you, too. Be aware of your surroundings! A person (or group) can try to take advantage of you by mugging you. In my experience, when I’ve had a funny feeling about individuals watching me, I made eye contact with them. Not in a threatening way–just enough to let them know I’m aware they’re nearby. That eye contact can sometimes be enough to deter bad guys from crossing your path.

Go start yours!
Go set up your own photo walk. Sit down and brainstorm your approach. When you’ve completed it, share with me the shots you’ve captured. Get out there, be safe, and have fun with your photo walk. There’s truly a rush in getting an awesome photograph.

Have a nice day!