Pin document to taskbar in Windows 11

Same problem as this one?
” under Windows 10 I could drag & drop any file (e.g. docx or xlsx) to the Word/Excel icon, which is pinned on my taskbar. When righ-clicking on the Excel icon, I could see my pinned Excel files. Same with Word: I saw all my pinned documents. Windows 11 doesn’t let me drag & drop files to the pinned Microsoft App in the taskbar anymore. Please note, it is not about pinning the Excel app to my taskbar or pinning a document as an app to the taskbar: it is about pinning a DOCUMENT to the pinned Mircosoft app. “

The answer:

You can’t drag a document to an app on the Taskbar but you can still Pin documents.

” Say I want to pin somefile.csv to the Excel app on the task bar.
1. Open the file then close it so that it appears in the Recent list
2. Right click on the Excel icon on the Taskbar, hover over the file you want pinned then click on the Pin to this list icon. It will then be pinned! “

Except this will NOT WORK when you have the same option NOT set as I do…

You MUST show recently opened items in your Windows Settings > Personalization > Start
… otherwise you can not pin the to the App!
After pinning you can disable this again, so you won’t be bugged with the ‘recently opened’ list.

Have a nice day!