App Approvals…

dislikeI would like to have an App. Sure. Development time depends on the complexity of the App, could be weeks, could be months. And after going over several versions and improvements, it’s finally time to submit the final App to the various App Stores.

“So that’s it? Good, so my App will be live tomorrow. What? Not tomorrow… So how long does it take? Really?”

Yes, check it yourself… this is the time Apple takes from the moment of submitting, to when the App is live in the App Store. See:


Google Play and Windows Phone Store usually take a day for approval.
But all these periods are of course excluding the extra time/rounds it takes when the App gets denied at first. Could be incorrect screenshots, bad App descriptions, the App functionality, anything!
Apple, Google and Microsoft all made up their own rules for approving Apps. My Flappy Cows App for example is still not live on Windows Phone, because “it doesn’t offer any additional or unique functionality”… Thank you, Microsoft. Your loss, you’re missing out on my freakin’ cute cow game.